štvrtok 24.02.2022

How can the Office of the Commissioner for Persons with Disabilities help Ukrainian refugees?

As a result of the ongoing war in Ukraine, all the people of the invaded country are not only experiencing a direct threat to their lives and health, but they are also victims of a severe damage of many of their basic human rights.
The people with disabilities are also among the most vulnerable. This includes those who remain in the territory where the war is taking place, but also those who managed to flee the country. Refugees with disabilities are rightsholders according to the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, including the right to assistance in situations of risk and humanitarian situations. Pursuant to the Article 11 of the Convention, State Parties shall take, in accordance with their obligations under international law, including international humanitarian law and international human rights law, all necessary measures to ensure the protection and safety of persons with disabilities in situations of risk, including situations of armed conflict, humanitarian emergencies and the occurrence of natural disasters. Once our borders are crossed, the Slovak Republic bears full responsibility for the fulfilment of its obligations towards these persons under the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.

We believe that the role of our country is to help the persons with disabilities to the greatest extent possible, irrespective of whether they are just passing through the country or choose to stay.

The Office of the Commissioner for Persons with Disabilities closely monitors the situation of refugees with disabilities on the territory of the Slovak Republic and, as in the case of all persons with disabilities, exercises all its competences to protect their rights and is ready to provide the necessary assistance and support to any refugee with a disability.

The assistance of the Office of the Commissioner for Persons with Disabilities is free of charge and focuses, similarly to Slovak citizens, on the people (children and adults) with disabilities (physical, sensory – visual, hearing, as well as intellectual – mental disabilities or psychological disorders), as well as with long-term health problems and long-term diagnosis.


What the state will provide:

  • urgent and necessary indicated health care, including the care recommended by a doctor in the case of asylum seekers or those seeking temporary refuge
  • immediate medical care in the event of a life-threatening situation, as well as the care recommended by a doctor
  • in the case of life-threatening medical emergencies, immediate medical care without charge
  • fully reimbursed healthcare for refugees granted asylum status

What we offer:

  • dealing with a refusal of a healthcare
  • an assistance with finding medical specialists according to diagnosis
  • assistance with applying for compensatory aids and medicines
  • providing contacts to organisations working with people with different types of disabilities and diagnoses


What the state will provide - for refugees with temporary refuge status:

  • basic benefit in material need
  • material need allowance
  • child allowance
  • food subsidies for children in schools
  • placement in a social services facility or the provision of other social services if the legal conditions are met
  • entitlement to certain severe disability allowances

What we offer:

  • assistance in applying for benefits or social services
  • dealing with refusal of benefits or social services
  • assistance in the cases of violence against refugees with disabilities, cruel treatment, or restrictions on liberty in violation of the law


What we offer:

  • assistance with any legal and administrative tasks
  • providing legal guidance
  • help with applications, filling in forms


What the state offers:

  • fast and unrestricted access to the labour market for refugees with the temporary refuge status

What we offer:

  • dealing with situations where a refugee from Ukraine is refused to be employed because of a disability; supporting their entry into the labour market
  • providing contacts to organisations specializing in employment of people with disabilities, shelter workshops or social enterprises


What the state offers:

  • access to education for children of refugees from Ukraine

What we offer:

  • assistance with problems in enrolling Ukrainian children with disabilities in school
  • helping a particular school to provide the necessary conditions for inclusion

The languages we communicate in:

  • Slovak language
  • English language
  • if necessary, ensuring a communication in Ukrainian language
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